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Paso 2
Cada pregunta cuenta con cuatro opciones de respuesta y sólo podrás seleccionar una alternativa por pregunta o no seleccionar ninguna.
Paso 3
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Paso 4
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Pregunta 1 de 30
Choose the correct answer for each question according to the information in the text. Each line is numbered to help you identify them quickly.
Sunflowers Make Bees Poop—a Lot. Here's Why That's Good | |
Paragraph | Text |
[1] | Bumblebees and other pollinators face many threats, including pesticide exposure, |
[2] | climate change, habitat loss due to agriculture and development, and pathogens |
[3] | that ravage multiple species. But a recent finding may help lighten their load. |
[4] | Previous studies have shown sunflower pollen can work like a medicine for |
[5] | bumblebees afflicted by a parasite called Crithidia bombi, a single-celled organism |
[6] | that takes up residence in the bee's gut [and harms their health]. But scientists couldn't |
[7] | explain how sunflower pollen vanquished C. bombi—did it boost the bees' immune |
[8] | function, or perhaps poison the parasite directly? |
[9] | New research, published in the Journal of Insect Physiology, shows the answer is |
[10] | deceptively simple. "Sunflower pollen makes bumblebees poo a whole lot," says lead |
[11] | author Jonathan Giacomini, which flushes the parasite out. |
[12] | Plant products like nectar and pollen are a treasure trove of potential insect medicines |
[13] | that scientists are just beginning to understand, he adds. "There are natural things out |
[14] | there that bees are interacting with that can be beneficial for them," Giacomini says. |
[15] | And by making changes to the landscape, scientists hope we can help give bees a |
[16] | fighting chance. |
[17] | Plant power |
[18] | If you happen upon a fuzzy, buzzing, flying creature in eastern North America, there's |
[19] | a strong chance it's a common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens). Yellow and |
[20] | black striped with a rump covered in soft hairs, they're social insects that live in |
[21] | colonies and love a good crevice—they build their homes in birdhouses, woodpiles, |
[22] | abandoned burrows, and dense grasses. |
[23] | [They] are important pollinators, both in the wild and in agriculture, where they're raised |
[24] | and used to pollinate crops including tomatoes and pumpkins. Like other pollinators, |
[25] | bumblebees face many threats, and C. bombi isn't even the biggest bumblebee |
[26] | bugaboo. On its own, the parasite doesn't have much of an effect on a bumblebee's |
[27] | health. But when food is scarce, C. bombi can shorten a bee's lifespan and even |
[28] | reduce the number of young queens a colony can produce. |
[29] | Lynn Adler is an evolutionary ecologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst |
[30] | who studies interactions between plants and insects. For years, she and longtime |
[31] | collaborator Rebecca Irwin at North Carolina State University suspected pollinators |
[32] | might be getting dosed by flowers since plants often invest chemically active |
[33] | compounds into their nectar and pollen to help their genetic payload arrive at |
[34] | its destination. |
[35] | "Many plant defensive compounds can be medicinal at certain doses," Adler says. After |
[36] | all, "most of our human medicines come from plants." |
[37] | Giacomini discovered the effect of sunflower pollen as an undergraduate working in |
[38] | Adler's lab in 2018. From [these] very first tests, sunflower pollen dramatically reduced |
[39] | C. bombi parasite load in common eastern bumblebees, often clearing infection |
[40] | completely. "We've been shocked at how consistent and effective sunflower pollen |
[41] | has been," Adler says. |
Elizabeth Anne Brown, National Geographic |
Who supports the idea that many human medicines are made of natural sources?
Rebecca Irwin
Lynn Adler
Jonathan Giacomini
Pregunta 2 de 30
Choose the correct answer for each question according to the information in the text. Each line is numbered to help you identify them quickly.
Sunflowers Make Bees Poop—a Lot. Here's Why That's Good | |
Paragraph | Text |
[1] | Bumblebees and other pollinators face many threats, including pesticide exposure, |
[2] | climate change, habitat loss due to agriculture and development, and pathogens |
[3] | that ravage multiple species. But a recent finding may help lighten their load. |
[4] | Previous studies have shown sunflower pollen can work like a medicine for |
[5] | bumblebees afflicted by a parasite called Crithidia bombi, a single-celled organism |
[6] | that takes up residence in the bee's gut [and harms their health]. But scientists couldn't |
[7] | explain how sunflower pollen vanquished C. bombi—did it boost the bees' immune |
[8] | function, or perhaps poison the parasite directly? |
[9] | New research, published in the Journal of Insect Physiology, shows the answer is |
[10] | deceptively simple. "Sunflower pollen makes bumblebees poo a whole lot," says lead |
[11] | author Jonathan Giacomini, which flushes the parasite out. |
[12] | Plant products like nectar and pollen are a treasure trove of potential insect medicines |
[13] | that scientists are just beginning to understand, he adds. "There are natural things out |
[14] | there that bees are interacting with that can be beneficial for them," Giacomini says. |
[15] | And by making changes to the landscape, scientists hope we can help give bees a |
[16] | fighting chance. |
[17] | Plant power |
[18] | If you happen upon a fuzzy, buzzing, flying creature in eastern North America, there's |
[19] | a strong chance it's a common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens). Yellow and |
[20] | black striped with a rump covered in soft hairs, they're social insects that live in |
[21] | colonies and love a good crevice—they build their homes in birdhouses, woodpiles, |
[22] | abandoned burrows, and dense grasses. |
[23] | [They] are important pollinators, both in the wild and in agriculture, where they're raised |
[24] | and used to pollinate crops including tomatoes and pumpkins. Like other pollinators, |
[25] | bumblebees face many threats, and C. bombi isn't even the biggest bumblebee |
[26] | bugaboo. On its own, the parasite doesn't have much of an effect on a bumblebee's |
[27] | health. But when food is scarce, C. bombi can shorten a bee's lifespan and even |
[28] | reduce the number of young queens a colony can produce. |
[29] | Lynn Adler is an evolutionary ecologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst |
[30] | who studies interactions between plants and insects. For years, she and longtime |
[31] | collaborator Rebecca Irwin at North Carolina State University suspected pollinators |
[32] | might be getting dosed by flowers since plants often invest chemically active |
[33] | compounds into their nectar and pollen to help their genetic payload arrive at |
[34] | its destination. |
[35] | "Many plant defensive compounds can be medicinal at certain doses," Adler says. After |
[36] | all, "most of our human medicines come from plants." |
[37] | Giacomini discovered the effect of sunflower pollen as an undergraduate working in |
[38] | Adler's lab in 2018. From [these] very first tests, sunflower pollen dramatically reduced |
[39] | C. bombi parasite load in common eastern bumblebees, often clearing infection |
[40] | completely. "We've been shocked at how consistent and effective sunflower pollen |
[41] | has been," Adler says. |
Elizabeth Anne Brown, National Geographic |
The most important contribution of Giacomini's study was to...
describe the negative consequences of pollen ingestion on bumblebees
show the importance of modifying the landscape to benefit bumblebees
explain the therapeutic effects that sunflower pollen has on bumblebees
Pregunta 3 de 30
Choose the correct answer for each question according to the information in the text. Each line is numbered to help you identify them quickly.
Sunflowers Make Bees Poop—a Lot. Here's Why That's Good | |
Paragraph | Text |
[1] | Bumblebees and other pollinators face many threats, including pesticide exposure, |
[2] | climate change, habitat loss due to agriculture and development, and pathogens |
[3] | that ravage multiple species. But a recent finding may help lighten their load. |
[4] | Previous studies have shown sunflower pollen can work like a medicine for |
[5] | bumblebees afflicted by a parasite called Crithidia bombi, a single-celled organism |
[6] | that takes up residence in the bee's gut [and harms their health]. But scientists couldn't |
[7] | explain how sunflower pollen vanquished C. bombi—did it boost the bees' immune |
[8] | function, or perhaps poison the parasite directly? |
[9] | New research, published in the Journal of Insect Physiology, shows the answer is |
[10] | deceptively simple. "Sunflower pollen makes bumblebees poo a whole lot," says lead |
[11] | author Jonathan Giacomini, which flushes the parasite out. |
[12] | Plant products like nectar and pollen are a treasure trove of potential insect medicines |
[13] | that scientists are just beginning to understand, he adds. "There are natural things out |
[14] | there that bees are interacting with that can be beneficial for them," Giacomini says. |
[15] | And by making changes to the landscape, scientists hope we can help give bees a |
[16] | fighting chance. |
[17] | Plant power |
[18] | If you happen upon a fuzzy, buzzing, flying creature in eastern North America, there's |
[19] | a strong chance it's a common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens). Yellow and |
[20] | black striped with a rump covered in soft hairs, they're social insects that live in |
[21] | colonies and love a good crevice—they build their homes in birdhouses, woodpiles, |
[22] | abandoned burrows, and dense grasses. |
[23] | [They] are important pollinators, both in the wild and in agriculture, where they're raised |
[24] | and used to pollinate crops including tomatoes and pumpkins. Like other pollinators, |
[25] | bumblebees face many threats, and C. bombi isn't even the biggest bumblebee |
[26] | bugaboo. On its own, the parasite doesn't have much of an effect on a bumblebee's |
[27] | health. But when food is scarce, C. bombi can shorten a bee's lifespan and even |
[28] | reduce the number of young queens a colony can produce. |
[29] | Lynn Adler is an evolutionary ecologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst |
[30] | who studies interactions between plants and insects. For years, she and longtime |
[31] | collaborator Rebecca Irwin at North Carolina State University suspected pollinators |
[32] | might be getting dosed by flowers since plants often invest chemically active |
[33] | compounds into their nectar and pollen to help their genetic payload arrive at |
[34] | its destination. |
[35] | "Many plant defensive compounds can be medicinal at certain doses," Adler says. After |
[36] | all, "most of our human medicines come from plants." |
[37] | Giacomini discovered the effect of sunflower pollen as an undergraduate working in |
[38] | Adler's lab in 2018. From [these] very first tests, sunflower pollen dramatically reduced |
[39] | C. bombi parasite load in common eastern bumblebees, often clearing infection |
[40] | completely. "We've been shocked at how consistent and effective sunflower pollen |
[41] | has been," Adler says. |
Elizabeth Anne Brown, National Geographic |
How do bumblebees get rid of the parasites with the help of sunflower pollen?
Sunflower pollen boosts the bumblebees' immune system, which kills the parasites
Bumblebees eat a lot of sunflower pollen, which poisons the parasites
Sunflower pollen increases bumblebee excretions, which expels the parasites from their bodies
Pregunta 4 de 30
The following section of the exam is based on a text about fairies. All the information in this section will be thematically related to such topic.
Fill in the blanks with the option to complete the information given in the following paragraph.
We owe many of our modern ideas _______ fairies to Shakespeare and stories from the 18th and 19th centuries. _______ we can see the origins of fairies as far back as the Ancient Greeks, we can see similar creatures in many _______.
of - Since - cultures
about - Although - cultures
to - Therefore - culture
Pregunta 5 de 30
Choose the correct answer for each question according to the information in the text. Each line is numbered to help you identify them quickly.
Sunflowers Make Bees Poop—a Lot. Here's Why That's Good | |
Paragraph | Text |
[1] | Bumblebees and other pollinators face many threats, including pesticide exposure, |
[2] | climate change, habitat loss due to agriculture and development, and pathogens |
[3] | that ravage multiple species. But a recent finding may help lighten their load. |
[4] | Previous studies have shown sunflower pollen can work like a medicine for |
[5] | bumblebees afflicted by a parasite called Crithidia bombi, a single-celled organism |
[6] | that takes up residence in the bee's gut [and harms their health]. But scientists couldn't |
[7] | explain how sunflower pollen vanquished C. bombi—did it boost the bees' immune |
[8] | function, or perhaps poison the parasite directly? |
[9] | New research, published in the Journal of Insect Physiology, shows the answer is |
[10] | deceptively simple. "Sunflower pollen makes bumblebees poo a whole lot," says lead |
[11] | author Jonathan Giacomini, which flushes the parasite out. |
[12] | Plant products like nectar and pollen are a treasure trove of potential insect medicines |
[13] | that scientists are just beginning to understand, he adds. "There are natural things out |
[14] | there that bees are interacting with that can be beneficial for them," Giacomini says. |
[15] | And by making changes to the landscape, scientists hope we can help give bees a |
[16] | fighting chance. |
[17] | Plant power |
[18] | If you happen upon a fuzzy, buzzing, flying creature in eastern North America, there's |
[19] | a strong chance it's a common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens). Yellow and |
[20] | black striped with a rump covered in soft hairs, they're social insects that live in |
[21] | colonies and love a good crevice—they build their homes in birdhouses, woodpiles, |
[22] | abandoned burrows, and dense grasses. |
[23] | [They] are important pollinators, both in the wild and in agriculture, where they're raised |
[24] | and used to pollinate crops including tomatoes and pumpkins. Like other pollinators, |
[25] | bumblebees face many threats, and C. bombi isn't even the biggest bumblebee |
[26] | bugaboo. On its own, the parasite doesn't have much of an effect on a bumblebee's |
[27] | health. But when food is scarce, C. bombi can shorten a bee's lifespan and even |
[28] | reduce the number of young queens a colony can produce. |
[29] | Lynn Adler is an evolutionary ecologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst |
[30] | who studies interactions between plants and insects. For years, she and longtime |
[31] | collaborator Rebecca Irwin at North Carolina State University suspected pollinators |
[32] | might be getting dosed by flowers since plants often invest chemically active |
[33] | compounds into their nectar and pollen to help their genetic payload arrive at |
[34] | its destination. |
[35] | "Many plant defensive compounds can be medicinal at certain doses," Adler says. After |
[36] | all, "most of our human medicines come from plants." |
[37] | Giacomini discovered the effect of sunflower pollen as an undergraduate working in |
[38] | Adler's lab in 2018. From [these] very first tests, sunflower pollen dramatically reduced |
[39] | C. bombi parasite load in common eastern bumblebees, often clearing infection |
[40] | completely. "We've been shocked at how consistent and effective sunflower pollen |
[41] | has been," Adler says. |
Elizabeth Anne Brown, National Geographic |
What effect does sunflower pollen have on bumblebees?
It affects their habitat loss
It exposes them to parasites
It modifies their digestive process
Pregunta 6 de 30
The following section of the exam is based on a text about fairies. All the information in this section will be thematically related to such topic.
According to the extracts previously read, Arthur Conan Doyle was _______ that fairies existed.
Pregunta 7 de 30
The following section of the exam is based on a text about fairies. All the information in this section will be thematically related to such topic.
Select the sequence of synonyms for the words in bold.
[Fairies] were replaced by the Greek and Roman gods, and then later by the Christian God, and became smaller, less powerful figures as they lost importance.
British Council
changed - important - fame
given - known - credibility
substituted - dominant - status
Pregunta 8 de 30
Choose the correct answer for each question according to the information in the text. Each line is numbered to help you identify them quickly.
Sunflowers Make Bees Poop—a Lot. Here's Why That's Good | |
Paragraph | Text |
[1] | Bumblebees and other pollinators face many threats, including pesticide exposure, |
[2] | climate change, habitat loss due to agriculture and development, and pathogens |
[3] | that ravage multiple species. But a recent finding may help lighten their load. |
[4] | Previous studies have shown sunflower pollen can work like a medicine for |
[5] | bumblebees afflicted by a parasite called Crithidia bombi, a single-celled organism |
[6] | that takes up residence in the bee's gut [and harms their health]. But scientists couldn't |
[7] | explain how sunflower pollen vanquished C. bombi—did it boost the bees' immune |
[8] | function, or perhaps poison the parasite directly? |
[9] | New research, published in the Journal of Insect Physiology, shows the answer is |
[10] | deceptively simple. "Sunflower pollen makes bumblebees poo a whole lot," says lead |
[11] | author Jonathan Giacomini, which flushes the parasite out. |
[12] | Plant products like nectar and pollen are a treasure trove of potential insect medicines |
[13] | that scientists are just beginning to understand, he adds. "There are natural things out |
[14] | there that bees are interacting with that can be beneficial for them," Giacomini says. |
[15] | And by making changes to the landscape, scientists hope we can help give bees a |
[16] | fighting chance. |
[17] | Plant power |
[18] | If you happen upon a fuzzy, buzzing, flying creature in eastern North America, there's |
[19] | a strong chance it's a common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens). Yellow and |
[20] | black striped with a rump covered in soft hairs, they're social insects that live in |
[21] | colonies and love a good crevice—they build their homes in birdhouses, woodpiles, |
[22] | abandoned burrows, and dense grasses. |
[23] | [They] are important pollinators, both in the wild and in agriculture, where they're raised |
[24] | and used to pollinate crops including tomatoes and pumpkins. Like other pollinators, |
[25] | bumblebees face many threats, and C. bombi isn't even the biggest bumblebee |
[26] | bugaboo. On its own, the parasite doesn't have much of an effect on a bumblebee's |
[27] | health. But when food is scarce, C. bombi can shorten a bee's lifespan and even |
[28] | reduce the number of young queens a colony can produce. |
[29] | Lynn Adler is an evolutionary ecologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst |
[30] | who studies interactions between plants and insects. For years, she and longtime |
[31] | collaborator Rebecca Irwin at North Carolina State University suspected pollinators |
[32] | might be getting dosed by flowers since plants often invest chemically active |
[33] | compounds into their nectar and pollen to help their genetic payload arrive at |
[34] | its destination. |
[35] | "Many plant defensive compounds can be medicinal at certain doses," Adler says. After |
[36] | all, "most of our human medicines come from plants." |
[37] | Giacomini discovered the effect of sunflower pollen as an undergraduate working in |
[38] | Adler's lab in 2018. From [these] very first tests, sunflower pollen dramatically reduced |
[39] | C. bombi parasite load in common eastern bumblebees, often clearing infection |
[40] | completely. "We've been shocked at how consistent and effective sunflower pollen |
[41] | has been," Adler says. |
Elizabeth Anne Brown, National Geographic |
Which of the following sentences best summarizes Giacomini's study?
Bumblebees and other pollinators face many threats
Sunflower pollen can work like a medicine for bumblebees
Sunflower pollen helps bumblebees to eliminate a parasite
Pregunta 9 de 30
Choose the correct answer for each question according to the information in the text. Each line is numbered to help you identify them quickly.
Sunflowers Make Bees Poop—a Lot. Here's Why That's Good | |
Paragraph | Text |
[1] | Bumblebees and other pollinators face many threats, including pesticide exposure, |
[2] | climate change, habitat loss due to agriculture and development, and pathogens |
[3] | that ravage multiple species. But a recent finding may help lighten their load. |
[4] | Previous studies have shown sunflower pollen can work like a medicine for |
[5] | bumblebees afflicted by a parasite called Crithidia bombi, a single-celled organism |
[6] | that takes up residence in the bee's gut [and harms their health]. But scientists couldn't |
[7] | explain how sunflower pollen vanquished C. bombi—did it boost the bees' immune |
[8] | function, or perhaps poison the parasite directly? |
[9] | New research, published in the Journal of Insect Physiology, shows the answer is |
[10] | deceptively simple. "Sunflower pollen makes bumblebees poo a whole lot," says lead |
[11] | author Jonathan Giacomini, which flushes the parasite out. |
[12] | Plant products like nectar and pollen are a treasure trove of potential insect medicines |
[13] | that scientists are just beginning to understand, he adds. "There are natural things out |
[14] | there that bees are interacting with that can be beneficial for them," Giacomini says. |
[15] | And by making changes to the landscape, scientists hope we can help give bees a |
[16] | fighting chance. |
[17] | Plant power |
[18] | If you happen upon a fuzzy, buzzing, flying creature in eastern North America, there's |
[19] | a strong chance it's a common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens). Yellow and |
[20] | black striped with a rump covered in soft hairs, they're social insects that live in |
[21] | colonies and love a good crevice—they build their homes in birdhouses, woodpiles, |
[22] | abandoned burrows, and dense grasses. |
[23] | [They] are important pollinators, both in the wild and in agriculture, where they're raised |
[24] | and used to pollinate crops including tomatoes and pumpkins. Like other pollinators, |
[25] | bumblebees face many threats, and C. bombi isn't even the biggest bumblebee |
[26] | bugaboo. On its own, the parasite doesn't have much of an effect on a bumblebee's |
[27] | health. But when food is scarce, C. bombi can shorten a bee's lifespan and even |
[28] | reduce the number of young queens a colony can produce. |
[29] | Lynn Adler is an evolutionary ecologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst |
[30] | who studies interactions between plants and insects. For years, she and longtime |
[31] | collaborator Rebecca Irwin at North Carolina State University suspected pollinators |
[32] | might be getting dosed by flowers since plants often invest chemically active |
[33] | compounds into their nectar and pollen to help their genetic payload arrive at |
[34] | its destination. |
[35] | "Many plant defensive compounds can be medicinal at certain doses," Adler says. After |
[36] | all, "most of our human medicines come from plants." |
[37] | Giacomini discovered the effect of sunflower pollen as an undergraduate working in |
[38] | Adler's lab in 2018. From [these] very first tests, sunflower pollen dramatically reduced |
[39] | C. bombi parasite load in common eastern bumblebees, often clearing infection |
[40] | completely. "We've been shocked at how consistent and effective sunflower pollen |
[41] | has been," Adler says. |
Elizabeth Anne Brown, National Geographic |
What is the most important idea in lines 12 to 16?
Pollen and nectar have medicinal properties that are beneficial to humans
Humans can give bees a whole new habitat so that they can survive
Some natural products may have medicinal properties yet to be explored
Pregunta 10 de 30
The following section of the exam is based on a text about fairies. All the information in this section will be thematically related to such topic.
After having analyzed the previous ideas about fairies, what is the best title for a complete text on the topic?
The Story of Fairies in Modern Times
Origins and Myths About Fairies
Fake Photographs of Fairies
Pregunta 11 de 30
The following section of the exam is based on a text about fairies. All the information in this section will be thematically related to such topic.
Indicate the function of the second sentence.
[1] | Arthur Conan Doyle [...] believed [the photos] were real. |
[2] | [Therefore,] he published the original pictures. |
British Council |
It refutes the idea from the first sentence
It offers a consequence to the main idea
It exemplifies the information of the first statement
Pregunta 12 de 30
Choose the correct answer for each question according to the information in the text. Each line is numbered to help you identify them quickly.
Sunflowers Make Bees Poop—a Lot. Here's Why That's Good | |
Paragraph | Text |
[1] | Bumblebees and other pollinators face many threats, including pesticide exposure, |
[2] | climate change, habitat loss due to agriculture and development, and pathogens |
[3] | that ravage multiple species. But a recent finding may help lighten their load. |
[4] | Previous studies have shown sunflower pollen can work like a medicine for |
[5] | bumblebees afflicted by a parasite called Crithidia bombi, a single-celled organism |
[6] | that takes up residence in the bee's gut [and harms their health]. But scientists couldn't |
[7] | explain how sunflower pollen vanquished C. bombi—did it boost the bees' immune |
[8] | function, or perhaps poison the parasite directly? |
[9] | New research, published in the Journal of Insect Physiology, shows the answer is |
[10] | deceptively simple. "Sunflower pollen makes bumblebees poo a whole lot," says lead |
[11] | author Jonathan Giacomini, which flushes the parasite out. |
[12] | Plant products like nectar and pollen are a treasure trove of potential insect medicines |
[13] | that scientists are just beginning to understand, he adds. "There are natural things out |
[14] | there that bees are interacting with that can be beneficial for them," Giacomini says. |
[15] | And by making changes to the landscape, scientists hope we can help give bees a |
[16] | fighting chance. |
[17] | Plant power |
[18] | If you happen upon a fuzzy, buzzing, flying creature in eastern North America, there's |
[19] | a strong chance it's a common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens). Yellow and |
[20] | black striped with a rump covered in soft hairs, they're social insects that live in |
[21] | colonies and love a good crevice—they build their homes in birdhouses, woodpiles, |
[22] | abandoned burrows, and dense grasses. |
[23] | [They] are important pollinators, both in the wild and in agriculture, where they're raised |
[24] | and used to pollinate crops including tomatoes and pumpkins. Like other pollinators, |
[25] | bumblebees face many threats, and C. bombi isn't even the biggest bumblebee |
[26] | bugaboo. On its own, the parasite doesn't have much of an effect on a bumblebee's |
[27] | health. But when food is scarce, C. bombi can shorten a bee's lifespan and even |
[28] | reduce the number of young queens a colony can produce. |
[29] | Lynn Adler is an evolutionary ecologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst |
[30] | who studies interactions between plants and insects. For years, she and longtime |
[31] | collaborator Rebecca Irwin at North Carolina State University suspected pollinators |
[32] | might be getting dosed by flowers since plants often invest chemically active |
[33] | compounds into their nectar and pollen to help their genetic payload arrive at |
[34] | its destination. |
[35] | "Many plant defensive compounds can be medicinal at certain doses," Adler says. After |
[36] | all, "most of our human medicines come from plants." |
[37] | Giacomini discovered the effect of sunflower pollen as an undergraduate working in |
[38] | Adler's lab in 2018. From [these] very first tests, sunflower pollen dramatically reduced |
[39] | C. bombi parasite load in common eastern bumblebees, often clearing infection |
[40] | completely. "We've been shocked at how consistent and effective sunflower pollen |
[41] | has been," Adler says. |
Elizabeth Anne Brown, National Geographic |
In line 23, the word they refers to...
Pregunta 13 de 30
The following section of the exam is based on a text about fairies. All the information in this section will be thematically related to such topic.
Select the option with the correct use of capital letters and style format.
Arthur Conan Doyle published the original pictures, and three more the girls took for him, in a magazine called The strand, in 1920
Arthur Conan Doyle published the original pictures, and three more the girls took for him, in a magazine called The Strand, in 1920
Arthur Conan Doyle published the original pictures, and three more the girls took for him, in a magazine called the Strand, in 1920
Pregunta 14 de 30
Choose the correct answer for each question according to the information in the text. Each line is numbered to help you identify them quickly.
Sunflowers Make Bees Poop—a Lot. Here's Why That's Good | |
Paragraph | Text |
[1] | Bumblebees and other pollinators face many threats, including pesticide exposure, |
[2] | climate change, habitat loss due to agriculture and development, and pathogens |
[3] | that ravage multiple species. But a recent finding may help lighten their load. |
[4] | Previous studies have shown sunflower pollen can work like a medicine for |
[5] | bumblebees afflicted by a parasite called Crithidia bombi, a single-celled organism |
[6] | that takes up residence in the bee's gut [and harms their health]. But scientists couldn't |
[7] | explain how sunflower pollen vanquished C. bombi—did it boost the bees' immune |
[8] | function, or perhaps poison the parasite directly? |
[9] | New research, published in the Journal of Insect Physiology, shows the answer is |
[10] | deceptively simple. "Sunflower pollen makes bumblebees poo a whole lot," says lead |
[11] | author Jonathan Giacomini, which flushes the parasite out. |
[12] | Plant products like nectar and pollen are a treasure trove of potential insect medicines |
[13] | that scientists are just beginning to understand, he adds. "There are natural things out |
[14] | there that bees are interacting with that can be beneficial for them," Giacomini says. |
[15] | And by making changes to the landscape, scientists hope we can help give bees a |
[16] | fighting chance. |
[17] | Plant power |
[18] | If you happen upon a fuzzy, buzzing, flying creature in eastern North America, there's |
[19] | a strong chance it's a common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens). Yellow and |
[20] | black striped with a rump covered in soft hairs, they're social insects that live in |
[21] | colonies and love a good crevice—they build their homes in birdhouses, woodpiles, |
[22] | abandoned burrows, and dense grasses. |
[23] | [They] are important pollinators, both in the wild and in agriculture, where they're raised |
[24] | and used to pollinate crops including tomatoes and pumpkins. Like other pollinators, |
[25] | bumblebees face many threats, and C. bombi isn't even the biggest bumblebee |
[26] | bugaboo. On its own, the parasite doesn't have much of an effect on a bumblebee's |
[27] | health. But when food is scarce, C. bombi can shorten a bee's lifespan and even |
[28] | reduce the number of young queens a colony can produce. |
[29] | Lynn Adler is an evolutionary ecologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst |
[30] | who studies interactions between plants and insects. For years, she and longtime |
[31] | collaborator Rebecca Irwin at North Carolina State University suspected pollinators |
[32] | might be getting dosed by flowers since plants often invest chemically active |
[33] | compounds into their nectar and pollen to help their genetic payload arrive at |
[34] | its destination. |
[35] | "Many plant defensive compounds can be medicinal at certain doses," Adler says. After |
[36] | all, "most of our human medicines come from plants." |
[37] | Giacomini discovered the effect of sunflower pollen as an undergraduate working in |
[38] | Adler's lab in 2018. From [these] very first tests, sunflower pollen dramatically reduced |
[39] | C. bombi parasite load in common eastern bumblebees, often clearing infection |
[40] | completely. "We've been shocked at how consistent and effective sunflower pollen |
[41] | has been," Adler says. |
Elizabeth Anne Brown, National Geographic |
Match the information given with the information in the text.
Information given | Information in the text |
1. Lynn Adler 2. Eastern bumblebee 3. Rebecca Irwin 4. C. bombi 5. Jonathan Giacomini |
a) A yellow and black striped insect b) A single-celled organism c) An evolutionary ecologist at the University of Massachusetts d) A researcher at North Carolina State University e) A researcher who published in the Journal of Insect Physiology |
1c, 2b, 3d, 4a, 5e
1e, 2a, 3c, 4b, 5d
1c, 2a, 3d, 4b, 5e
Pregunta 15 de 30
Choose the correct answer for each question according to the information in the text. Each line is numbered to help you identify them quickly.
Sunflowers Make Bees Poop—a Lot. Here's Why That's Good | |
Paragraph | Text |
[1] | Bumblebees and other pollinators face many threats, including pesticide exposure, |
[2] | climate change, habitat loss due to agriculture and development, and pathogens |
[3] | that ravage multiple species. But a recent finding may help lighten their load. |
[4] | Previous studies have shown sunflower pollen can work like a medicine for |
[5] | bumblebees afflicted by a parasite called Crithidia bombi, a single-celled organism |
[6] | that takes up residence in the bee's gut [and harms their health]. But scientists couldn't |
[7] | explain how sunflower pollen vanquished C. bombi—did it boost the bees' immune |
[8] | function, or perhaps poison the parasite directly? |
[9] | New research, published in the Journal of Insect Physiology, shows the answer is |
[10] | deceptively simple. "Sunflower pollen makes bumblebees poo a whole lot," says lead |
[11] | author Jonathan Giacomini, which flushes the parasite out. |
[12] | Plant products like nectar and pollen are a treasure trove of potential insect medicines |
[13] | that scientists are just beginning to understand, he adds. "There are natural things out |
[14] | there that bees are interacting with that can be beneficial for them," Giacomini says. |
[15] | And by making changes to the landscape, scientists hope we can help give bees a |
[16] | fighting chance. |
[17] | Plant power |
[18] | If you happen upon a fuzzy, buzzing, flying creature in eastern North America, there's |
[19] | a strong chance it's a common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens). Yellow and |
[20] | black striped with a rump covered in soft hairs, they're social insects that live in |
[21] | colonies and love a good crevice—they build their homes in birdhouses, woodpiles, |
[22] | abandoned burrows, and dense grasses. |
[23] | [They] are important pollinators, both in the wild and in agriculture, where they're raised |
[24] | and used to pollinate crops including tomatoes and pumpkins. Like other pollinators, |
[25] | bumblebees face many threats, and C. bombi isn't even the biggest bumblebee |
[26] | bugaboo. On its own, the parasite doesn't have much of an effect on a bumblebee's |
[27] | health. But when food is scarce, C. bombi can shorten a bee's lifespan and even |
[28] | reduce the number of young queens a colony can produce. |
[29] | Lynn Adler is an evolutionary ecologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst |
[30] | who studies interactions between plants and insects. For years, she and longtime |
[31] | collaborator Rebecca Irwin at North Carolina State University suspected pollinators |
[32] | might be getting dosed by flowers since plants often invest chemically active |
[33] | compounds into their nectar and pollen to help their genetic payload arrive at |
[34] | its destination. |
[35] | "Many plant defensive compounds can be medicinal at certain doses," Adler says. After |
[36] | all, "most of our human medicines come from plants." |
[37] | Giacomini discovered the effect of sunflower pollen as an undergraduate working in |
[38] | Adler's lab in 2018. From [these] very first tests, sunflower pollen dramatically reduced |
[39] | C. bombi parasite load in common eastern bumblebees, often clearing infection |
[40] | completely. "We've been shocked at how consistent and effective sunflower pollen |
[41] | has been," Adler says. |
Elizabeth Anne Brown, National Geographic |
What is a specific implication of Giacomini's study?
It refutes previous ideas about the effects of sunflower pollen on bumblebees
It may raise people awareness of the importance of preserving bumblebees
It confirms the effectiveness that sunflower pollen has on bumblebees
Pregunta 16 de 30
Choose the correct answer for each question according to the information in the text. Each line is numbered to help you identify them quickly.
Sunflowers Make Bees Poop—a Lot. Here's Why That's Good | |
Paragraph | Text |
[1] | Bumblebees and other pollinators face many threats, including pesticide exposure, |
[2] | climate change, habitat loss due to agriculture and development, and pathogens |
[3] | that ravage multiple species. But a recent finding may help lighten their load. |
[4] | Previous studies have shown sunflower pollen can work like a medicine for |
[5] | bumblebees afflicted by a parasite called Crithidia bombi, a single-celled organism |
[6] | that takes up residence in the bee's gut [and harms their health]. But scientists couldn't |
[7] | explain how sunflower pollen vanquished C. bombi—did it boost the bees' immune |
[8] | function, or perhaps poison the parasite directly? |
[9] | New research, published in the Journal of Insect Physiology, shows the answer is |
[10] | deceptively simple. "Sunflower pollen makes bumblebees poo a whole lot," says lead |
[11] | author Jonathan Giacomini, which flushes the parasite out. |
[12] | Plant products like nectar and pollen are a treasure trove of potential insect medicines |
[13] | that scientists are just beginning to understand, he adds. "There are natural things out |
[14] | there that bees are interacting with that can be beneficial for them," Giacomini says. |
[15] | And by making changes to the landscape, scientists hope we can help give bees a |
[16] | fighting chance. |
[17] | Plant power |
[18] | If you happen upon a fuzzy, buzzing, flying creature in eastern North America, there's |
[19] | a strong chance it's a common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens). Yellow and |
[20] | black striped with a rump covered in soft hairs, they're social insects that live in |
[21] | colonies and love a good crevice—they build their homes in birdhouses, woodpiles, |
[22] | abandoned burrows, and dense grasses. |
[23] | [They] are important pollinators, both in the wild and in agriculture, where they're raised |
[24] | and used to pollinate crops including tomatoes and pumpkins. Like other pollinators, |
[25] | bumblebees face many threats, and C. bombi isn't even the biggest bumblebee |
[26] | bugaboo. On its own, the parasite doesn't have much of an effect on a bumblebee's |
[27] | health. But when food is scarce, C. bombi can shorten a bee's lifespan and even |
[28] | reduce the number of young queens a colony can produce. |
[29] | Lynn Adler is an evolutionary ecologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst |
[30] | who studies interactions between plants and insects. For years, she and longtime |
[31] | collaborator Rebecca Irwin at North Carolina State University suspected pollinators |
[32] | might be getting dosed by flowers since plants often invest chemically active |
[33] | compounds into their nectar and pollen to help their genetic payload arrive at |
[34] | its destination. |
[35] | "Many plant defensive compounds can be medicinal at certain doses," Adler says. After |
[36] | all, "most of our human medicines come from plants." |
[37] | Giacomini discovered the effect of sunflower pollen as an undergraduate working in |
[38] | Adler's lab in 2018. From [these] very first tests, sunflower pollen dramatically reduced |
[39] | C. bombi parasite load in common eastern bumblebees, often clearing infection |
[40] | completely. "We've been shocked at how consistent and effective sunflower pollen |
[41] | has been," Adler says. |
Elizabeth Anne Brown, National Geographic |
Which of the following best describes the effect that sunflower pollen has on bumblebees?
It poses a threat
It works like a medicine
It helps them to reproduce
Pregunta 17 de 30
The following section of the exam is based on a text about fairies. All the information in this section will be thematically related to such topic.
Fill in the blanks with the option to complete the information given in the following paragraph.
Fairies today are the stuff _______ children's stories, little _______ people with wings, often shining with light. Typically pretty and female, like Tinkerbell _______ Peter Pan, they usually _______ their magic to do small things and are mostly friendly to humans.
British Council
in - magician - on - used
on - magic - at - use
of - magical - in - use
Pregunta 18 de 30
Choose the correct answer for each question according to the information in the text. Each line is numbered to help you identify them quickly.
Sunflowers Make Bees Poop—a Lot. Here's Why That's Good | |
Paragraph | Text |
[1] | Bumblebees and other pollinators face many threats, including pesticide exposure, |
[2] | climate change, habitat loss due to agriculture and development, and pathogens |
[3] | that ravage multiple species. But a recent finding may help lighten their load. |
[4] | Previous studies have shown sunflower pollen can work like a medicine for |
[5] | bumblebees afflicted by a parasite called Crithidia bombi, a single-celled organism |
[6] | that takes up residence in the bee's gut [and harms their health]. But scientists couldn't |
[7] | explain how sunflower pollen vanquished C. bombi—did it boost the bees' immune |
[8] | function, or perhaps poison the parasite directly? |
[9] | New research, published in the Journal of Insect Physiology, shows the answer is |
[10] | deceptively simple. "Sunflower pollen makes bumblebees poo a whole lot," says lead |
[11] | author Jonathan Giacomini, which flushes the parasite out. |
[12] | Plant products like nectar and pollen are a treasure trove of potential insect medicines |
[13] | that scientists are just beginning to understand, he adds. "There are natural things out |
[14] | there that bees are interacting with that can be beneficial for them," Giacomini says. |
[15] | And by making changes to the landscape, scientists hope we can help give bees a |
[16] | fighting chance. |
[17] | Plant power |
[18] | If you happen upon a fuzzy, buzzing, flying creature in eastern North America, there's |
[19] | a strong chance it's a common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens). Yellow and |
[20] | black striped with a rump covered in soft hairs, they're social insects that live in |
[21] | colonies and love a good crevice—they build their homes in birdhouses, woodpiles, |
[22] | abandoned burrows, and dense grasses. |
[23] | [They] are important pollinators, both in the wild and in agriculture, where they're raised |
[24] | and used to pollinate crops including tomatoes and pumpkins. Like other pollinators, |
[25] | bumblebees face many threats, and C. bombi isn't even the biggest bumblebee |
[26] | bugaboo. On its own, the parasite doesn't have much of an effect on a bumblebee's |
[27] | health. But when food is scarce, C. bombi can shorten a bee's lifespan and even |
[28] | reduce the number of young queens a colony can produce. |
[29] | Lynn Adler is an evolutionary ecologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst |
[30] | who studies interactions between plants and insects. For years, she and longtime |
[31] | collaborator Rebecca Irwin at North Carolina State University suspected pollinators |
[32] | might be getting dosed by flowers since plants often invest chemically active |
[33] | compounds into their nectar and pollen to help their genetic payload arrive at |
[34] | its destination. |
[35] | "Many plant defensive compounds can be medicinal at certain doses," Adler says. After |
[36] | all, "most of our human medicines come from plants." |
[37] | Giacomini discovered the effect of sunflower pollen as an undergraduate working in |
[38] | Adler's lab in 2018. From [these] very first tests, sunflower pollen dramatically reduced |
[39] | C. bombi parasite load in common eastern bumblebees, often clearing infection |
[40] | completely. "We've been shocked at how consistent and effective sunflower pollen |
[41] | has been," Adler says. |
Elizabeth Anne Brown, National Geographic |
Which of the following best describes the results of Jonathan Giacomini's research?
Sunflower pollen could be dangerous for bumblebees if they eat a lot
Parasites are flushed out when bumblebees eat sunflower pollen
Medicinal properties of sunflower nectar can heal sick bees
Pregunta 19 de 30
Choose the correct answer for each question according to the information in the text. Each line is numbered to help you identify them quickly.
Sunflowers Make Bees Poop—a Lot. Here's Why That's Good | |
Paragraph | Text |
[1] | Bumblebees and other pollinators face many threats, including pesticide exposure, |
[2] | climate change, habitat loss due to agriculture and development, and pathogens |
[3] | that ravage multiple species. But a recent finding may help lighten their load. |
[4] | Previous studies have shown sunflower pollen can work like a medicine for |
[5] | bumblebees afflicted by a parasite called Crithidia bombi, a single-celled organism |
[6] | that takes up residence in the bee's gut [and harms their health]. But scientists couldn't |
[7] | explain how sunflower pollen vanquished C. bombi—did it boost the bees' immune |
[8] | function, or perhaps poison the parasite directly? |
[9] | New research, published in the Journal of Insect Physiology, shows the answer is |
[10] | deceptively simple. "Sunflower pollen makes bumblebees poo a whole lot," says lead |
[11] | author Jonathan Giacomini, which flushes the parasite out. |
[12] | Plant products like nectar and pollen are a treasure trove of potential insect medicines |
[13] | that scientists are just beginning to understand, he adds. "There are natural things out |
[14] | there that bees are interacting with that can be beneficial for them," Giacomini says. |
[15] | And by making changes to the landscape, scientists hope we can help give bees a |
[16] | fighting chance. |
[17] | Plant power |
[18] | If you happen upon a fuzzy, buzzing, flying creature in eastern North America, there's |
[19] | a strong chance it's a common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens). Yellow and |
[20] | black striped with a rump covered in soft hairs, they're social insects that live in |
[21] | colonies and love a good crevice—they build their homes in birdhouses, woodpiles, |
[22] | abandoned burrows, and dense grasses. |
[23] | [They] are important pollinators, both in the wild and in agriculture, where they're raised |
[24] | and used to pollinate crops including tomatoes and pumpkins. Like other pollinators, |
[25] | bumblebees face many threats, and C. bombi isn't even the biggest bumblebee |
[26] | bugaboo. On its own, the parasite doesn't have much of an effect on a bumblebee's |
[27] | health. But when food is scarce, C. bombi can shorten a bee's lifespan and even |
[28] | reduce the number of young queens a colony can produce. |
[29] | Lynn Adler is an evolutionary ecologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst |
[30] | who studies interactions between plants and insects. For years, she and longtime |
[31] | collaborator Rebecca Irwin at North Carolina State University suspected pollinators |
[32] | might be getting dosed by flowers since plants often invest chemically active |
[33] | compounds into their nectar and pollen to help their genetic payload arrive at |
[34] | its destination. |
[35] | "Many plant defensive compounds can be medicinal at certain doses," Adler says. After |
[36] | all, "most of our human medicines come from plants." |
[37] | Giacomini discovered the effect of sunflower pollen as an undergraduate working in |
[38] | Adler's lab in 2018. From [these] very first tests, sunflower pollen dramatically reduced |
[39] | C. bombi parasite load in common eastern bumblebees, often clearing infection |
[40] | completely. "We've been shocked at how consistent and effective sunflower pollen |
[41] | has been," Adler says. |
Elizabeth Anne Brown, National Geographic |
In line 25, the word face refers to the...
surface of tomatoes and pumpkins
front part of the bumblebees' head
situations that bumblebees have to deal with
Pregunta 20 de 30
The following section of the exam is based on a text about fairies. All the information in this section will be thematically related to such topic.
Reorder the following sequence of ideas in order to develop a coherent line of argument.
1. Then, he decided to publish the photos in a famous magazine
2. One hundred years ago, Elsie Wright took two fake photos of fairies
3. It was not until many years later that Elsie Wright admitted the photos were fake
4. Some people thought the photos were fake, but Arthur Conan Doyle thought they were real
1, 4, 3, 2
2, 4, 1, 3
4, 1, 2, 3
Pregunta 21 de 30
Choose the correct answer for each question according to the information in the text. Each line is numbered to help you identify them quickly.
Sunflowers Make Bees Poop—a Lot. Here's Why That's Good | |
Paragraph | Text |
[1] | Bumblebees and other pollinators face many threats, including pesticide exposure, |
[2] | climate change, habitat loss due to agriculture and development, and pathogens |
[3] | that ravage multiple species. But a recent finding may help lighten their load. |
[4] | Previous studies have shown sunflower pollen can work like a medicine for |
[5] | bumblebees afflicted by a parasite called Crithidia bombi, a single-celled organism |
[6] | that takes up residence in the bee's gut [and harms their health]. But scientists couldn't |
[7] | explain how sunflower pollen vanquished C. bombi—did it boost the bees' immune |
[8] | function, or perhaps poison the parasite directly? |
[9] | New research, published in the Journal of Insect Physiology, shows the answer is |
[10] | deceptively simple. "Sunflower pollen makes bumblebees poo a whole lot," says lead |
[11] | author Jonathan Giacomini, which flushes the parasite out. |
[12] | Plant products like nectar and pollen are a treasure trove of potential insect medicines |
[13] | that scientists are just beginning to understand, he adds. "There are natural things out |
[14] | there that bees are interacting with that can be beneficial for them," Giacomini says. |
[15] | And by making changes to the landscape, scientists hope we can help give bees a |
[16] | fighting chance. |
[17] | Plant power |
[18] | If you happen upon a fuzzy, buzzing, flying creature in eastern North America, there's |
[19] | a strong chance it's a common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens). Yellow and |
[20] | black striped with a rump covered in soft hairs, they're social insects that live in |
[21] | colonies and love a good crevice—they build their homes in birdhouses, woodpiles, |
[22] | abandoned burrows, and dense grasses. |
[23] | [They] are important pollinators, both in the wild and in agriculture, where they're raised |
[24] | and used to pollinate crops including tomatoes and pumpkins. Like other pollinators, |
[25] | bumblebees face many threats, and C. bombi isn't even the biggest bumblebee |
[26] | bugaboo. On its own, the parasite doesn't have much of an effect on a bumblebee's |
[27] | health. But when food is scarce, C. bombi can shorten a bee's lifespan and even |
[28] | reduce the number of young queens a colony can produce. |
[29] | Lynn Adler is an evolutionary ecologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst |
[30] | who studies interactions between plants and insects. For years, she and longtime |
[31] | collaborator Rebecca Irwin at North Carolina State University suspected pollinators |
[32] | might be getting dosed by flowers since plants often invest chemically active |
[33] | compounds into their nectar and pollen to help their genetic payload arrive at |
[34] | its destination. |
[35] | "Many plant defensive compounds can be medicinal at certain doses," Adler says. After |
[36] | all, "most of our human medicines come from plants." |
[37] | Giacomini discovered the effect of sunflower pollen as an undergraduate working in |
[38] | Adler's lab in 2018. From [these] very first tests, sunflower pollen dramatically reduced |
[39] | C. bombi parasite load in common eastern bumblebees, often clearing infection |
[40] | completely. "We've been shocked at how consistent and effective sunflower pollen |
[41] | has been," Adler says. |
Elizabeth Anne Brown, National Geographic |
On which of the following elements did Giacomini base the underlined comment in line 10?
On an untested hypothesis
On the published results of his own research
On previous studies carried out by other researchers
Pregunta 22 de 30
Choose the correct answer for each question according to the information in the text. Each line is numbered to help you identify them quickly.
Sunflowers Make Bees Poop—a Lot. Here's Why That's Good | |
Paragraph | Text |
[1] | Bumblebees and other pollinators face many threats, including pesticide exposure, |
[2] | climate change, habitat loss due to agriculture and development, and pathogens |
[3] | that ravage multiple species. But a recent finding may help lighten their load. |
[4] | Previous studies have shown sunflower pollen can work like a medicine for |
[5] | bumblebees afflicted by a parasite called Crithidia bombi, a single-celled organism |
[6] | that takes up residence in the bee's gut [and harms their health]. But scientists couldn't |
[7] | explain how sunflower pollen vanquished C. bombi—did it boost the bees' immune |
[8] | function, or perhaps poison the parasite directly? |
[9] | New research, published in the Journal of Insect Physiology, shows the answer is |
[10] | deceptively simple. "Sunflower pollen makes bumblebees poo a whole lot," says lead |
[11] | author Jonathan Giacomini, which flushes the parasite out. |
[12] | Plant products like nectar and pollen are a treasure trove of potential insect medicines |
[13] | that scientists are just beginning to understand, he adds. "There are natural things out |
[14] | there that bees are interacting with that can be beneficial for them," Giacomini says. |
[15] | And by making changes to the landscape, scientists hope we can help give bees a |
[16] | fighting chance. |
[17] | Plant power |
[18] | If you happen upon a fuzzy, buzzing, flying creature in eastern North America, there's |
[19] | a strong chance it's a common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens). Yellow and |
[20] | black striped with a rump covered in soft hairs, they're social insects that live in |
[21] | colonies and love a good crevice—they build their homes in birdhouses, woodpiles, |
[22] | abandoned burrows, and dense grasses. |
[23] | [They] are important pollinators, both in the wild and in agriculture, where they're raised |
[24] | and used to pollinate crops including tomatoes and pumpkins. Like other pollinators, |
[25] | bumblebees face many threats, and C. bombi isn't even the biggest bumblebee |
[26] | bugaboo. On its own, the parasite doesn't have much of an effect on a bumblebee's |
[27] | health. But when food is scarce, C. bombi can shorten a bee's lifespan and even |
[28] | reduce the number of young queens a colony can produce. |
[29] | Lynn Adler is an evolutionary ecologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst |
[30] | who studies interactions between plants and insects. For years, she and longtime |
[31] | collaborator Rebecca Irwin at North Carolina State University suspected pollinators |
[32] | might be getting dosed by flowers since plants often invest chemically active |
[33] | compounds into their nectar and pollen to help their genetic payload arrive at |
[34] | its destination. |
[35] | "Many plant defensive compounds can be medicinal at certain doses," Adler says. After |
[36] | all, "most of our human medicines come from plants." |
[37] | Giacomini discovered the effect of sunflower pollen as an undergraduate working in |
[38] | Adler's lab in 2018. From [these] very first tests, sunflower pollen dramatically reduced |
[39] | C. bombi parasite load in common eastern bumblebees, often clearing infection |
[40] | completely. "We've been shocked at how consistent and effective sunflower pollen |
[41] | has been," Adler says. |
Elizabeth Anne Brown, National Geographic |
What is the best definition of the word scarce as it is used in line 27?
Pregunta 23 de 30
The following section of the exam is based on a text about fairies. All the information in this section will be thematically related to such topic.
Select the option with the correct punctuation.
While most people no longer believe in fairies, only a hundred years ago some people were very willing to think they might exist.
While most people, no longer believe in fairies, only a hundred years ago some people were very willing to think they might exist
While most people no longer believe in fairies; only a hundred years ago some people, were very willing to think they might exist.
Pregunta 24 de 30
The following section of the exam is based on a text about fairies. All the information in this section will be thematically related to such topic.
Choose the words that correctly complete the idea.
Hundreds of years _______, people actually believed that fairies stole new babies [who] _______ and replaced them with a 'changeling' –a fairy baby– or that [new mothers] _______ to feed fairy babies with their milk.
British Council
ago - had been born - were taken
before - were born - will take
old - were being born - would take
Pregunta 25 de 30
The following section of the exam is based on a text about fairies. All the information in this section will be thematically related to such topic.
Select the option with the correct spelling.
In 1917, 16-year-old Elsie Wright took two photos of her cosin, ninne-year-old Frances Griffiths, sitting with fairies
In 1917, 16-year-old Elsie Wright took two photos of her cousin, nine-year-old Frances Griffiths, siting whit fairies
In 1917, 16-year-old Elsie Wright took two photos of her cousin, nine-year-old Frances Griffiths, sitting with fairies
Pregunta 26 de 30
Choose the correct answer for each question according to the information in the text. Each line is numbered to help you identify them quickly.
Sunflowers Make Bees Poop—a Lot. Here's Why That's Good | |
Paragraph | Text |
[1] | Bumblebees and other pollinators face many threats, including pesticide exposure, |
[2] | climate change, habitat loss due to agriculture and development, and pathogens |
[3] | that ravage multiple species. But a recent finding may help lighten their load. |
[4] | Previous studies have shown sunflower pollen can work like a medicine for |
[5] | bumblebees afflicted by a parasite called Crithidia bombi, a single-celled organism |
[6] | that takes up residence in the bee's gut [and harms their health]. But scientists couldn't |
[7] | explain how sunflower pollen vanquished C. bombi—did it boost the bees' immune |
[8] | function, or perhaps poison the parasite directly? |
[9] | New research, published in the Journal of Insect Physiology, shows the answer is |
[10] | deceptively simple. "Sunflower pollen makes bumblebees poo a whole lot," says lead |
[11] | author Jonathan Giacomini, which flushes the parasite out. |
[12] | Plant products like nectar and pollen are a treasure trove of potential insect medicines |
[13] | that scientists are just beginning to understand, he adds. "There are natural things out |
[14] | there that bees are interacting with that can be beneficial for them," Giacomini says. |
[15] | And by making changes to the landscape, scientists hope we can help give bees a |
[16] | fighting chance. |
[17] | Plant power |
[18] | If you happen upon a fuzzy, buzzing, flying creature in eastern North America, there's |
[19] | a strong chance it's a common eastern bumblebee (Bombus impatiens). Yellow and |
[20] | black striped with a rump covered in soft hairs, they're social insects that live in |
[21] | colonies and love a good crevice—they build their homes in birdhouses, woodpiles, |
[22] | abandoned burrows, and dense grasses. |
[23] | [They] are important pollinators, both in the wild and in agriculture, where they're raised |
[24] | and used to pollinate crops including tomatoes and pumpkins. Like other pollinators, |
[25] | bumblebees face many threats, and C. bombi isn't even the biggest bumblebee |
[26] | bugaboo. On its own, the parasite doesn't have much of an effect on a bumblebee's |
[27] | health. But when food is scarce, C. bombi can shorten a bee's lifespan and even |
[28] | reduce the number of young queens a colony can produce. |
[29] | Lynn Adler is an evolutionary ecologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst |
[30] | who studies interactions between plants and insects. For years, she and longtime |
[31] | collaborator Rebecca Irwin at North Carolina State University suspected pollinators |
[32] | might be getting dosed by flowers since plants often invest chemically active |
[33] | compounds into their nectar and pollen to help their genetic payload arrive at |
[34] | its destination. |
[35] | "Many plant defensive compounds can be medicinal at certain doses," Adler says. After |
[36] | all, "most of our human medicines come from plants." |
[37] | Giacomini discovered the effect of sunflower pollen as an undergraduate working in |
[38] | Adler's lab in 2018. From [these] very first tests, sunflower pollen dramatically reduced |
[39] | C. bombi parasite load in common eastern bumblebees, often clearing infection |
[40] | completely. "We've been shocked at how consistent and effective sunflower pollen |
[41] | has been," Adler says. |
Elizabeth Anne Brown, National Geographic |
In line 38, the expression these very first tests refers to the experiments that were carried out by...
Lynn Adler
Rebecca Irwin
Jonathan Giacomini
Pregunta 27 de 30
The following section of the exam is based on a text about fairies. All the information in this section will be thematically related to such topic.
Fill in the blanks with the option to complete the information given in the following paragraph.
The earliest fairy-like creatures can be _______ in the Greek idea that trees _______ rivers had spirits called dryads and nymphs. Some people think these creatures _______ originally the gods of earlier, pagan religions _______ worshipped nature.
British Council
found - to - was - who
finding - with - is - whose
found - and - were - that
Pregunta 28 de 30
The following section of the exam is based on a text about fairies. All the information in this section will be thematically related to such topic.
Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence.
This might explain why fairies _______ often _______ as playing tricks on humans.
British Council
were - describe
was - described
were - described
Pregunta 29 de 30
The following section of the exam is based on a text about fairies. All the information in this section will be thematically related to such topic.
Indicate the function of the second sentence.
[1] | [One] explanation suggests the origin of fairies is a memory of real people, |
[2] | [but not spirits as some people thought]. |
British Council |
It contrasts the idea from the first sentence
It questions the idea from the first statement
It offers a consequence to the main idea
Pregunta 30 de 30
The following section of the exam is based on a text about fairies. All the information in this section will be thematically related to such topic.
Select the option with the correct use of capital letters.
The British writer Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the sherlock holmes detective novels, believed that the photographs of the fairies were real
The british writer Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes detective novels, believed that the photographs of the fairies were real
The British writer Arthur Conan Doyle, author of the Sherlock Holmes detective novels, believed that the photographs of the fairies were real
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